coach spotlight: q&a with rachael.
Rachael works closely with people who feel overwhelmed, stuck, or uncertain about their next steps. Whether it's navigating career shifts, personal growth, or finding balance amidst life's demands, Rachael’s expertise lies in helping clients reconnect with their true selves and uncover actionable paths forward.
Through thought-provoking techniques and a personalized approach, she helps her clients overcome limiting beliefs, create healthier habits, and foster resilience. As one of Rachael's clients recently shared, “Working with Rachael has been life-changing. Her insights helped me unlock the clarity I needed to move forward.”
Q&A with Rachael Fraser
Q: what's a small daily habit you believe can make a huge difference in personal growth?
A: “practicing gratitude. Write down 3 things before bed that were good in your day. You can always find something. It helps to shift your brain away from its natural negativity bias and you go into sleep with positive thoughts. Quick, simple and powerful.”
Q: do you have a simple productivity hack people can implement right away?
A: "plan out your week on Sunday evening so you wake up ready to hit the ground running on Monday. You can also set an intention at the start of each day – build it into your routine – ask yourself 'what will make today great? (and it must be something within your control)"
Q: what's the most valuable lesson you've learned from your own mentors and coaches?
A: "everything starts with you"
Q: what's the best advice you've ever received?
A: "If it feels impossible, break it down and do the next right thing. It's the only way to tackle something big without freaking out – whether that's starting a business, changing careers, or getting through a huge pile of laundry!"
Q: can you share a specific tool you often recommend to clients for getting clears on their goals?
A: "The easiest and most accessible tool is the 'Wheel of Life'.
This is a circle divided like a pizza into 8 sections - each represents a different area of your life. The centre is 1 and the outer edge is 10. You rank the level of satisfaction with each area of your life by drawing a line to create a new outer edge. The new perimeter represents the wheel of your life. If this were a real wheel, how bumpy would it be?
This gives you a big picture look at your life so you can notice where you need to focus. You can then ask yourself 'what needs to change'?"
Q: what's one piece of advice you give clients looking to improve their work-life balance?
A: "It depends what is causing it to be out of balance – and there are so many drivers. Sometimes it's a case of needing stronger boundaries. For others, a need to ask for support or delegate. There is no piece of advice that will fit everyone and this is why coaching is so powerful. We need to understand what is creating this situation for you before we can unlock change"
Q: what's your process for helping clients set achievable, long-term goals?
A: “we find clarity on what you truly want. Not what you think you 'should' want. We create the vision (a vision board is often an energising way to support this). And then we break it down to the smallest first step so that they get into action and the momentum begins. Then it's a case of supporting the client in keeping this momentum, shaping the journey with them and keeping them accountable to their vision”
Q: what's something about you that might surprise your clients?
A: "I can play the taiko drums and was once part of a group called 'She Bangs!'. I can also tap dance but as yet have not tried doing both at the same time"
Q: what's your favorite quote or mantra?
A: “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel” Maya Angelou
I hope Rachael's wisdom resonated with you as much as it does with me. Whether it's her advice on breaking down the impossible or her playful side with taiko drums, Rachael brings a blend of expertise, heart, and authenticity that makes her an exceptional coach.
“You cut through the crap and get to the heart of it. So clear and to the point. I feel like I just had a total mental deep clean and floss! You have helped me to see more clearly how to find my way forward ”
If you felt a connection with what she shared, imagine what working with her could unlock for you. Take that first step today: book a call to see if Rachael is the right guide for your journey.
The Ascend isn't just about coaching—it's about helping you uncover your truth and take the reins of your life. We're here for you every step of the way.