The Ascend

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six ways to nurture self-connection

The most important relationship we'll ever have is with ourselves.

Here are 6 ways to nurture self-connection. .

1. Take yourself on a date

Do something that makes you feel alive. Go to an exhibition, try a fun class or visit a new restaurant, solo.

2. Have a digital detox

Put your phone and computer away for a couple hours. Take time to really be with yourself without external distractions. Engage in sensory activities.

3. Start a journal ritual

Journal twice a day for one week. In the morning focus your journaling on how you're feeling and what you want your day to look and feel like. In the evening, check-in on what you learnt and whether you felt aligned.

4. Listen to your body

Check-in with your body and give yourself what you need. Tense? stretch. Tired? rest. Sluggish? workout. Tune in to your body's wisdom and act on it.

5. Take action

What's that one thing that's repeatedly on your mind? Want to get stronger or get your shit together with the help of a coach? There's no time like the present, book it in.

6. Meditate

Take at least 5 minutes everyday to sit quietly and watch your thoughts without attaching to them. Focus on your breath. Focus on being present in the moment.