six simple ways to find balance

Balance looks something different for each of us. To feel in balance, it's helpful to understand what that looks like for you. Be experimental with how you spend your time and how you cultivate a state of balance. For me, balance means feeling a state of flow. When I’m in balance I’m in control of my emotions, I can handle the ups and downs of life, I feel I have control of my time. Balance to me also means I have a good handle of the various facets of my life. 

Here’s a few things you can do to realign yourself and feel balanced: 

1. Prioritise

Being clear on how you want to spend your time is a good starting point. At the start of each month, or each week, make a list of things that you want to do - what are your non-negotiables, what do you need to feel energized? What goals will you work on? What do you want to learn? 

Once you have clear priorities, use them as a filter for how you choose to spend your time. When things aren’t aligning with your priorities, learn to say ‘no’ without regret. When things are aligning, say ‘yes’ to opportunities. 

With practice you’ll learn to trim down your commitments and spend your time on things that truly sustain you. 

2. Socialise Consciously

We’ve all heard it a million times: you are the 5 people you spend the most time with. Spend time nurturing relationships that matter to you and make you feel energized. Surround yourself with people who champion your accomplishments, love you for who you are at the core, keep you accountable and support you in all areas of your life. 

It is equally important to learn to respectfully distance yourself from people who bring you down and make you feel like who you are isn’t enough. 

3. Disconnect from Technology

We live in a world of distractions and screens. Our bodies have so many external stimuli. Think about your mind-body response to your phone ringing or buzzing, directly reacting and distracting you from your thoughts or task at hand. Experiment with disconnecting from technology for a few hours each day. 

One simple way to do this is to turn your phone off or to airplane mode 1-3 hours before bed and to only switch it back on 1-3 hours after you’ve woken up. You’re not going to lose touch with the world by being unreachable for a few hours each day, but it’ll give you the mental rest you didn’t know you needed.

4. Find Calm

Find moments of calm in your day. 

Spend time creating moments of calm and peace for yourself. Create a ritual that works for you. Again, experiment with what really works for you. This could mean putting a great playlist on (link) and cooking a nice meal. It could mean meditating for 5 minutes every morning for a week. Maybe try setting a timer for 20 minutes and let all your thoughts flow onto a page. 

Make a list of 5 things you’re going to try to find calm and commit to experimenting with each for a week - take note of how it makes you feel.

5. Find Flow Through Movement

Our bodies store so much energy. One truly beneficial way to find balance is to engage in movement. The most important is to engage in movement that you’re excited to partake in. You could try signing up for a few different classes you haven’t tried before or find classes on youtube. 

A few ideas: yin yoga, boxing, reformer pilates, running club, long walks.

6. Be Expansive

Balance is equilibrium, but is also supported by growth and expansion. In order to feel in balance you have to feel that you’re moving forward and expanding. You could plan an adventure, learn a new language, take a class, explore your neighborhood (go to a different grocery store, coffee shop, different loop around the park etc), commit yourself to spending time developing a skill or focusing on a hobby. As is the universe, you are ever expanding. 


what do you really want?


babbel: learn a new language