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five ways to combat analysis paralysis

Got a big decision to make?

Here are 5 ways to find clarity and combat analysis paralysis.

1. Get to the root

Figure out what's causing your indecision. Is it the fear of things not working out? Are you afraid of making the wrong decision? Ask yourself "what's the cost of not moving forward?"

2. Trust yourself

Listen to the signals, how does the decision feel? If the decision is reversible, trust yourself to make a choice and take a chance.

3. Start small

Train your ability to make small decisions quickly. Follow your curiosities before letting analysis take over.

4. Set a limit

Give yourself a deadline to make a decision. If it's a week, set aside time each day to research and contemplate. When your time is up, move on.

5. Sleep on it

Face bigger decisions with clarity first thing in the morning.