five ways to explore your work mindset

What's your relationship to work?

Break away from the 'shoulds' and get to 'work' on your mindset.

Scroll for 5 ways to explore what work means to you and boost efficiency.

1. Association

“Work is …” finish the sentence and note down what comes up.

2. Audit

Block out 5 minutes at the end of each day. Note down which tasks lit you up and which drained you.

3. 80/20 rule

Economist Vilfredo Pareto observed that 80% of results are typically achieved from 20% of activities. Which tasks generate the most transformative results for you?

4. Procrastination

Which tasks are you putting off? Use Eisenhower's Principle to divide your tasks into important and urgent. Prioritise the one thing that needs your immediate attention.

5. Schedule

Do you have fixed approach to your work schedule or are you responsive to your state of being?


journal prompts to bring your life into balance


podcast: on finding your why