journal prompts to bring your life into balance

Where your attention goes, your energy flows.

Choose one area in your life that needs attention. Assess how you'll bring it into balance starting today.

Scroll down for a refresher of the key areas of the Circle of Life, with journal prompts.

1. Purpose

What gets you up in the morning? What do you feel drawn to do?

2. Relationships

How are you showing up in your relationships? Notice if you feel drained or empowered around the people in your life.

3. Health

From nutrition to movement, how are you taking care of your mental, emotional and physical health?

4. Work

How does your career make you feel? How can you feel more fulfilled?

5. Finances

Compare your current situation with where you want to be in one year. What needs to change to get there?

6. Creativity

When was the last time you created something and felt playful? How can you bring more creativity into your daily routine?

7. Spirituality

How does your belief system affect your actions? What rituals bring you clarity and help you feel grounded?

8. Home environment

How can you make your home a sanctuary that works for your lifestyle?


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