six things to do when your mojos’s low

1. go back to the basics: self care. 

The way you show up for yourself sets the tone for how you show up for anything in your life. Put your oxygen mask on before assisting others. 

  • Take care of your mind: journal, meditate or find quiet time away from electronics

  • Take care of your body: take a bath, go for walks, exercise

  • Take care of your heart: listen to your favorite music, meditate, dance

2. connect with your people.

When you feel deflated or like you’ve lost your mojo, try reaching out to people in your support system. If you’re not sure who to talk to, think about the people that get you, the people who understand you and are supportive, the people around which you can be yourself, the people who inspire you to do well for yourself. 

When feeling low, it’s easy to go into isolation mode. Vocalising what you’re going through to people who want to support you without judgment can go a long way. 

3. build momentum.

Get back into your groove by setting small attainable goals for yourself. Motivation comes with momentum. Try making a list of 5 things you can do that require minimal effort that will still feel satisfying so you can remind yourself that you’re someone who gets shit done. This can be small tasks for work, or fixing things around the house, ticking off some life admin stuff etc - most importantly celebrate yourself after each action. 

4. make time for play. 

Sometimes we lose motivation when life is monotonous or too serious. We sometimes forget that within each of us resides a little kid with big dreams who craves having a bit of play and adventure from time to time. Take some time to do something fun that you really get a kick out of doing.

Here’s some ideas: go to a theme park and ride rollercoasters, go on a spontaneous day trip by train, invite your close friends over for a themed dinner where everyone wears costumes, go skateboarding in the park, paint… 

And some more ideas over at

5. smell the roses.

Life ebbs and flows. Sometimes we feel like we’re on top of the world and sometimes we don’t. Part of the journey is learning to accept that. Accept when you’re not feeling 100% instead of resisting it. Focus on the small things, pay attention to your environment. Where can you find beauty? Where do you find gratitude? Train yourself to notice the small things that make life beautiful. 

5. find your passion.

If lack of mojo and motivation is something that shows up often for you, it may be a good idea to dig deeper. A lot of the time, we lose our mojo when our lives, habits and actions aren’t aligned with our purpose. Understanding what really matters to you at your core is also understanding what intrinsically motivates you and makes you feel alive. 

In many ways it always comes down to the same thing: get to know yourself. The more you know yourself, your patterns, your signals, triggers, motivations, strengths, weaknesses etc, the more you can calibrate inputs and give yourself what you need when you need it. 

Of course that happens to be one of the things we’re passionate about at The Ascend. So if you want some support in re-igniting your spark… book a chemistry call here to get started.


podcast: on boosting self-discipline


take yourself on a date