seven ways to improve your money mindset.

The holiday season can bring added financial pressure. Get ahead on your new year goals by working on your money mindset.

Big shifts can bring big gains. Thank us later.

Here are 7 strategies.

1. Don't be competitive.

Know there is enough abundance for you and others to thrive. Don't put yourself in situations that stretch you.

2. Money loves clarity.

Get to know exactly what's coming in and going out. Don't feel pressured to spend on non-priorities.

3. Limiting beliefs?

Identity money stories that may be holding you back, like "money doesn't grow on trees" or "people like us don't have that".

4. What's your mantra?

Practise money mantras such as "money flows freely to me" and "I am a money magnet."

5. Act as if.

Feel a sense of "knowing" about your money goals–act like you've already achieved them.

6. Know what you want.

If you weren't stressed about money what would you buy? make a list and visualise buying those experiences and items.

7. Reward your money wins.

When achieving goals, celebrate! see it as a reminder of your success.


read: a course in miracles


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