six ways to rewrite your narrative

What we think, we become.

Our inner dialogue dictates our core beliefs, and how we interpret our experiences – positively or negatively.

Rather than letting outdated stories run the show, here are 6 ways to rewrite your narrative.

1. You are the writer

Remember: you are the writer of your life. You can change your role or alter the plot anytime.

2. Keep problems separate

Separate your problems from your identity. Replace 'I am X' statements with 'I'm feeling X'.

3. Believe you can

Challenge limiting beliefs. List the reasons why you can do something.

4. Develop a growth-mindset

Reframe negative experiences as opportunities for learning. Focus on how much you've grown.

5. Be inspired by others

Your past doesn’t define your success. Look to people who have overcome obstacles.

6. Choose balance over perfectionism

Swap perfectionism for balance. Instead of being afraid to fail, pursue your passion no matter the outcome.


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transformational journaling tips and prompts