switch up your work space

Your environment plays a key role in how you work.

Scroll for ideas on how to switch up it up to increase output and enjoyment.

1. Brainstorm

Get outside in the fresh air. Go on a walk and voice record any ideas that come to you without over-analysing.

2. Buzz

Venture to a co-working space or coffee shop for outward-facing tasks like online networking or getting through your inbox.

3. Focus

Limit distractions in your work space. Turn off notifications, listen to binaural beats and dive into deep work.

4. Collaborate

Meet at a cafe or bar you love to get conversations flowing freely. Make the most of a vibrant and relaxed space to bounce ideas.

5. Culture

Bring art and culture into your work environment to stay inspired. Ignite your senses: hang artwork or listen to classical music.

6. Nature

If you have calls you can take on the go, get out in a park or walk down a quiet street. Get moving for fresh ideas.


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